Arizona Saguaro
The true Saguaro from Arizona is a very hardy plant but it needs high temperatures to grow well. In the wild they grow from seed under a nurse canopy of sage brush, just as kauri regenerates well under a manuka canopy.
The main picture shows a plant that is about 40 years old with a major segment lower on the plant having grown in a single season when grown in a glasshouse with rhododendron mix and rhododendron water supply, ie constantly moist.
The true Saguaro from Arizona is a very hardy plant but it needs high temperatures to grow well. In the wild they grow from seed under a nurse canopy of sage brush, just as kauri regenerates well under a manuka canopy.
The main picture shows a plant that is about 40 years old with a major segment lower on the plant having grown in a single season when grown in a glasshouse with rhododendron mix and rhododendron water supply, ie constantly moist.
The upper segment has grown over the last 20 years or so outside, some years it makes no actual growth because it is either too cool or too dry.